
St David’s is a wonderful place in which to celebrate your commitment to one another. We recognise that your decision to get married is one that has been carefully thought through and marks a unique day in both your lives. Our Church has an open and inclusive feel, with an intimate and prayerful atmosphere and next door we have modern halls and kitchen to hold your wedding reception or simply meet for coffee if you wish. Deciding to get married in Church recognises your wish to declare your commitment and love for each other as the start of a life faithfully spent together.

We meet with you four times before your wedding day to get to know you and to tailor the Christian wedding service to suit your personalities with music, hymns, Bible readings, poems and prayers.

Anyone who lives in the Parish of Broom Leys can be married in St David’s. Don’t worry if you don’t currently live in the parish as you can still be married here if you have a connection through parents or grandparents or baptism or confirmation or have previously lived in the parish.

Christian marriage is for life but we also recognise that some marriages do not succeed for all sorts of reasons. We will therefore, on a case by case basis, consider conducting a wedding in Church for those who have been divorced once.

Please contact the churchwardens if you would like to discuss your wedding plans.