
The Church Lads’ and Church Girls’ Brigade (CLCGB)

Often referred to as “The Brigade” is The Anglican Churches own uniformed youth organisation: welcoming children and young people of all faiths and none. This organisation has a lot of history for over 100 years.

The Brigade has been fulfilling its object to extend the kingdom of Christ among lads and girls.

Sometimes the hardest part of finding success is gathering the courage to get started. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never really fail.

The Brigade creates a caring and safe environment in which friendships between young people and children and adults can be established and helps young people and children to grow in confidence, develop their skills and abilities enabling them to work together and show care and concern for others.

We encourage young people and children to explore their spirituality and respond to the Christian faith, and to develop their moral values and a respect for the environment.

All ages from 5 years upwards are welcome.

The Brigade at St. David’s meets on a Thursday evening from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the Church Halls

Contact: Vanessa Cole 01530 454112
or email: